What Should Contingent Faculty Be Fighting For?

by VanessaVaile


This is a guest post by Ron Bramhall, a contributor to the recent September-October issue of Academe. Bramhall is a senior instructor in the Charles H. Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon. He teaches business leadership and communication, and the legal environment of business. He represents the interests of approximately 950 contingent faculty as the vice president of non-tenure-track instructional affairs for United Academics of the University of Oregon and is also a member of the union’s bargaining team and implementation committee.

At the July 2014 AFT Convention in Los Angeles, a Contingent Faculty Caucus was launched to provide a cohesive national voice on contingent faculty issues.  That we still haven’t agreed on an official name highlights one of the many problem this group of faculty face.

In the first meeting of that group, two issues emerged that strike me as important national conversations for contingent faculty…

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